CoOp Introduction


CoOp is a software for supporting welfare Associations, Societies, Co-operative Societies, Trade Unions, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), etc. in providing a platform to its members for collaboration, information sharing, etc.

Currently the following modules are available:

  • Manager Module
  • Member Module
  • Guest Module

With the help of this software, the organization can:

  • Maintain records of the members.
  • Disseminate information by means of Articles.
  • Inform its members about the Events being conducted in future.
  • Etc.

The software can be downloaded from the following link.

Release DateFile Link

The following are the prerequisites for successful deployment of the software.

Java 17
Postgresql 15
Apache Tomcat 10

Installation Procedure

Install OpenJDK

sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk

To check and confirm, that Java has been installed successfully see its version …

java –version

To install Apache Tomcat 10

sudo apt-get install tomcat10

To check and confirm, that Tomcat 10 has been installed correctly open the link http://localhost:8080 in the browser, or else run the following command

sudo systemctl status tomcat10

To install PostgreSQL

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

To check and confirm, that PostgreSQL has been installed correctly run the following commend

sudo systemctl status postgresql

To enable PostgreSQL to start on boot, use the following command

sudo systemctl enable postgresql

By default, PostgreSQL creates a user named postgres with full administrative access to the entire PostgreSQL instance. For security purposes, it is recommended to set a password for this user. Switch to the ‘postgres’ user and access the PostgreSQL prompt:

sudo -i -u postgres


postgres=# \password postgres

Enter new password and confirm it to set.

Now create the database coop

postgres=# create database coop

To quit from PostgreSQL prompt, use the following command:

postgres=# \q

To exit from postgres shell, use the following command:


To download latest distribution of CoOp application, visit the link

Copy the downloaded application to webapps directory of Tomcat installation, by using the following command:

sudo cp ./Downloads/coop-2024-07-14.war /var/lib/tomcat10/webapps/coop.war

Now stop the tomcat10 service

sudo systemctl stop tomcat10

Edit the file for database properties

sudo nano /var/lib/tomat10/webapps/coop/WEB-INF/classes/

Modify the following lines as shown below:



Start the tomcat service agains, by using the command below:

sudo systemctl start tomcat10

Using the link http://localhost8080/coop, check and confirm that the application is installed correctly.

Use the following credentials to Sign-In for the first time.

User Id : admin

Password : admin

133rd Birth Anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar


Today (i.e. on 14th April, 2024), the entire world is celebrating the 133rd Birth Anniversary of Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Life of Dr. Ambedkar teaches us to remain determined and true in our efforts in pursuit of our aims and objects. Parivrajaka Foundation wishes everyone a very happy birth anniversary.

Special Cells for SC / ST in Universities


Xth Plan profile of Higher Education in India under Para 10.B2 states as under:

To ensure the effective implementation of the reservation policy in admission, recruitment, allotment of staff quarters, Hostels etc., SC/ST Cells are established in the Universities”.

The Commission is providing financial assistance to the Universities for the establishment of Special Cell for SC/STs.


  1. To implement the reservation policy for SCs/STs in the Universities and Colleges.
  2. To collect data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admissions, appointments to teaching and non-teaching positions in the universities, and in the affiliaing colleges and analyse the data showing the trends and changes towards fulfilling the required quota.
  3. To take such follow up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Government of India and the UGC.
  4. To implement, monitor and evaluate continuously the reservation policy in universities and colleges and plan measures for ensuring effective implementation of the policy and programe of the Government of India.

Functions of the Special Cells

  1. To circulate Government of India and Commission’s decisions and to collect regularly, on an annual basis, information regarding course-wise admissions to candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the Universities and Colleges for different courses, in forms prescribed, by a stipulated date, and to take follow up action, where required.
  2. To circulate Government of India orders and Commission’s decisions and to collect information in respect of appointment, training of these communities in teaching and non-teaching posts in the Universities and Colleges, in suitable forms by a stipulated date and take follow up action where required.
  3. To collect reports and information regarding the Government of India orders on the various aspects of education, training and employment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates, for evolving new policies or modifying existing policy of the Commission.
  4. To analyze the information collected above and prepare reports and digests for onward transmission to the Ministry of Human Resource Development/University Grants Commission and such other authorities as may be required.
  5. To deal with representations received from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates regarding their admission, recruitment, promotion and other similar matters in Universities/Colleges.
  6. To monitor the working of the remedial coaching scheme, if approved in the affiliated colleges and university.
  7. To function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the Grievances of SC/ST students and employees of the university and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems.
  8. To maintain a register for employment of SCs / STs in the University and Colleges for the candidates belonging to SC/ST communities for various posts in the university/colleges.
  9. Any other work assigned from time to time to promote higher education among these two communities suffering economic, social and education deprivations.
  10. The SC/ST Cell exclusively looks after the work related to SC/STs matters and no other work is assigned to the Cell.
  11. If the required data is not submitted by the given date, UGC reserves the right to withhold either plan or non-plan grant until the required information/data is received. Hence, the universities/colleges are advised to supply the necessary information as required.

Eligibility / Target Group

Financial assistance under the Scheme would be available to such Universities and Deemed Universities, which come within the purview of Section 2(f) and are fit to receive central assistance under section 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956. The Scheme is meant for SC/ST only.

Nature of Financial Assistance Available Under the Scheme

  • For Setting up of New SC/ST Cells
  • For continuation of the Special Cells in the Xth Plan period for the Cells, which were established upto the end of IX Plan period.

Procedure for Applying for the Scheme

The Commission will invite proposals from Institutions in the beginning of the Plan as per the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I).

Procedure for Approval By the UGC

The proposal received from Universities and Deemed to be Universities will be scrutinized with the help of the Committee constituted for the purpose.

Procedure for Release of Grants by UGC

The Commission will communicate approval for setting up SC/ST Cells to the university and first instalment of Non-Recurring Grant will be released in respect of staff salary and contingency. The grants for the second year and subsequent years will be released only on the receipt of statement of expenditure (Annexure-IV) and utilization certificate (Annexure-V) along with the report of work undertaken for the grant paid during the last year. Audited statement of expenditure may be sent immediately after the audit is completed.

Fo claiming grant from the UGC for salary of the staff against the posts sanctioned for the scheme, the University should submit the following information to the UGC immediately after making the appointments:

  1. State Govt.’s or university’s own assurance to bear the liability towards the salary of the said post after the Commission’s assistance ceases.
  2. Name of the person appointed.
  3. Academic qualifications and experience.
  4. Post held by the incumbent prior to his/her appointment againts the said post and the name of the Institution where he/she was working.
  5. Date of joining the new post.
  6. Minutes of the Selection Committee.
  7. Details of the monthly pay offered including allowances in the scale of pay.
  8. Amount payable up to the end of the financial year.
  9. Number of increment, if any, to be given.
  10. Whether action been taken to fill the resultant vacancy, in case the person appointed belongs to the same university.
  11. A certificare to the effect that the appointment has been made in accordance with the procedure and norms prescribed as per University Rules (Annexure-VI).

Procedure for Monitoring the Progress of the Scheme

At the end of each academic year, the Coordinator / In-charge of the Special Cell, will submit an Appraisal report duly countersigned by the Liaison Officer through the Registrar, to the UGC, indicating a consolidated statement of the data, the progress achieved and the problems faced by the Cell. The action-taken by the Cell to implement the policy should be highlighted. The report on implementation of the reservation policy in the university should incdicate the percentage in admissions, appointments in teching and non-teaching staff, allotment of staff quarters, rooms in hostels, etc., together with the analysis of the report.

Advisory Committee at University Level

For effective implementation of policies and programmes of the reservation policy for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, University should appoint a liaison officer in the rank of Professor under whom the Cell may be placed, and a Standing Committee, with the Vice-Chancellor as a Chairman. The Committee will consist of Liaison Officer, 2 to 3 Heads of Departments, 2 to 3 faculty members (Professor, Reader and Lecturer level), 3 to 4 Principals of the under-graduate/post-graduate collge affiliated to the University and Co-ordinator of the SC/ST as a Member Secretary. Some of these members should belong to SC/ST categories. The Committee should meet twice a year to review the position and to solve the problems. The work relating to the implementation of the reservation policy may be monitored by the above stated Committee.

The Commission has constituted Standing Committee on SC/ST to over-see the implmementation of reservation policy in Universities and Deemed Universities. The Standing Committee on SC/ST will visit Universities to review and monitor the work of SC/ST Cells.

Let’s study The Constitution of India


Shri Sanjay Singh, Director, Parivrajaka Foundation flagged a mission to invite citizens of India to study the Constitution of India by donating a book to Shri Kumud Bagh in the presence of Shri Sambray Tudu and Shri Rajaram Ingle on 16.05.2023.

Shri Rajaram Ingle, Shri Kumud Bagh, Shri Sanjay Singh, Shri Sambray Tudu

The Constitution is the fundamental law of a nation that outlines the powers and limitations of the government, and the rights and duties of citizens. It is an essential document that sets the framework for the governance of a country, and serves as a safeguard against the tyranny and abuse of power.

The knowledge of the Constitution of India will make every citizen aware of his rights and duties. It will allow him to identify opportunities to improve living standard of self and society.

In this mission, the following steps are to be followed:

  1. Purchase and study book (from any publisher of your choice) on the Constitution of India.
  2. After reading donate this to book to another individual from society, family or friends with a condition that he should read the book within 20-30 days. If he finds it worth retaining, he can keep it in his personal collection and buy another copy and return. If not, he can return the same copy back.
  3. After receiving the copy, the same shall be donated to another person.

This will form a chain and more and more people will read the book. Also invite people to keep this book along with other religious texts. Religious texts are for spiritual growth, so this book is for material and physical growth.

Key provisions of Policy of Reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs


Key provisions of Policy of Reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs:

1) SCs/STs get reservation in all groups of posts under the Government in case of direct recruitment and in case of promotions made by non-selection method. In case of promotions made by selection, reservation is available to them when promotions are made in Group B, C, D posts and from Group B to the lowest rung in Group ‘A’ posts.

2) SC/ST/OBC candidates appointed by direct recruitment and SC/ST candidates also promoted on their own merit are adjusted against reserved posts.

3) In promotion by selection to posts within Group ‘A’ which carry an ultimate salary of Rs.18,300.00 or less (pre-revised), there is no reservation, but the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe officers who are senior enough in the zone of consideration for promotion so as to be within the number of vacancies for which the select list is to be drawn up, would be included in that list provided they are not considered unfit for promotion.

4) There is general ban on de-reservation of posts in case of direct recruitment.

5) In case of direct recruitment various relaxations, like relaxations in age limit by 5 years; exemption from payment of examination / application fees; relaxation in qualification of experience at the discretion of UPSC/competent authority; relaxation in standard of suitability, etc. Are available to members of SCs and STs.

6) In case of promotion, zone of consideration is extended up-to five times the number of vacancies in case suitable candidates are not available within normal zone of consideration; minimum qualifying marks / standards of evaluation are relaxable; upper age limit is relaxable by five years where upper age limit for promotion is prescribed not more than 50 years.

7) There is a provision of appointment of liaison officers in all Ministries / Departments to ensure proper implementation of reservation policy.

Own merit candidate

A candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC who is selected on the same standard as applied to general category candidates and who appears in the general merit list is treated as own merit candidate. Such candidate is adjusted against unreserved point of the reservation roster. Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 36011/1/98-Estt.(Res.) dated 1-7-1998 clarifies that only such SC/ST/OBC candidates who are selected on the same standard as applied to general candidates shall not be adjusted against reserved vacancies. In other words, when a relaxed standard is applied in selecting an SC/ST/OBC candidate, for example in the age limit, experience qualification, permitted number of chances in written examination, extended zone of consideration larger than what is provided for general category candidates, etc., the SC/ST/OBC candidates are to be counted against reserved vacancies. Such candidates would be deemed to be unavailable for consideration against unreserved vacancies.

Guidelines in case of migration of a reserved category person from one State to another State

When a person migrates from one portion of the State in respect of which his community is Scheduled to another part of the same State in respect of which his community is not scheduled, he will continue to be a member of the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe or the Backward Class, as the case may be in relation to that State.

When a person who is a member of one State moves to another, he can claim to belong to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe only in relation to the State to which he originally belonged and not in respect of the State to which he has migrated.

Objective behind the issuance of caste certificates to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

The main objective of issuance of caste certificate is to facilitate access of bonafide candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Class to the reserved posts and services under the State and other facilities provided by the State to them.

Guidelines in regard to scrutiny and verification of caste certificates in Government Service

The Government of India has issued instructions regarding scrutiny and verification of the caste certificates of the candidates at the time of initial appointment and at every important upturn of employee’s career. This Department re-iterated the instructions vide O.M. No.36011/3/2005-Estt. (Res.) dated 9th September 2005.

Saathi Portal


Saathi Portal of Parivrajaka Foundation is for encouraging collaboration and mutual support amongst the community members of Parivrajaka Foundation. It is planned to bring following aspects for mutual exchange:

  • General / Expert Services
  • Directory of Professionals / Businesses
  • Listing of Employment Opportunities
  • Listing of Matrimonials

The membership of Saathi Portal is based on invitation only. In case you feel that you belong to the community, please drop an email to for invitation.

Click here to reach Saathi Portal

74th Republic Day


Today India is celebrating its 74th Republic Day. Team Parivrajaka Foundation wishes all the citizen of India a very happy Republic Day.

On this day on January 26, 1950, the Constitution of India came into effect, and the then Government of India declared our nation as Republic – to be governed by its citizens. The constitution was adopted by the Indian Constituent Assembly on 26 November, 1949.

On this day and on all days, all parents must inform the importance of Indian Constitution to their wards. They should be taught about the freedom struggles, the fundamental rights granted by the Constitution, and duties they should perform towards nation.

Learn English for Development and Progress     


Members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should learn and adopt English as a language for their day-to-day functioning. It sounds highly impossible, but this is what Dr. Ambedkar had also envisioned this long back. Majority of his writings are in English. He once said, in his response to a news reporter, that, the day will come when his people will be able to read and understand him. India is a highly populated country with limited resources. Getting opportunities for good earning and good respectable living will always be a challenge. Knowledge of English opens up gates to different parts of the world. Socially, in India, a person with fairly good knowledge of English receives more respect. Also, for moving between states, the knowledge of English gives an added advantage. Knowledge of English will provide an extra edge over other fellow citizens and our people will be able to make better use of Government and Legal systems which primarily works in English.

History of English (

English is a West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family, with its earliest forms spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. It is named after the Angles, one of the ancient Germanic peoples that migrated to the island of Great Britain. Existing on a dialect continuum with Scots, and then most closely related to the Low German and Frisian languages. English is genealogically West German. However, its vocabulary also shows major influences from French and Latin, plus some grammar and a small amount of core vocabulary influenced by Old Norse (a North Germanic language) Speaker of English are called Anglophones.

The earliest forms of English, collectively known as Old English evolved from a group of West Germanic (Ingvaeonic) dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the 5th Century and further mutated by Norse-speaking Viking settlers starting in the 8th and 9th centuries. Middle English began in the late 11th century after the Norman Conquest of England, when considerable Old French and Latin-derived vocabulary was incorporated into English over some three hundred years. Early modern English began in the late 15th century with the start of the Great Vowel Shift and the Renaissance trend of borrowing further Latin and Greek words and roots into English, concurrent with the introduction of the printing press to London. This era notably culminated in the King James Bible and plays of William Shakespeare.

Modern English grammar is the result of a gradual change from a typical Indo-European dependent-marking pattern, with a rich inflectional morphology and relatively free word order, to a mostly analytic pattern with little inflection, and fairly fixed subject-verb word order. Modern English relies more on auxiliary verbs and word order for the expression of complex tenses, aspect and mood, as well as passive constructions, interrogatives and some negation.

Pluricentric English

English is a Pluricentric language, which means that no one national authority sets the standard for use of the language. The norms of standard written English are maintained purely by the consensus of educated English-speakers around the world, without any oversight by any government or international organiation.

Why learn English?

Modern English has spread around the world since the 17th century as a consequence of the worldwide influence of the British Empire and the United States of America. Through all types of printed and electronic media of these countries, English has become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca (bridge language) in many regions and professional contexts such as science, navigation and law. English is the most spoken language in the world and the third-most spoken native language in the world, after Standard Chinese and Spanish. It is the most widely learned second language and is either the official language or one of the official languages in 59 sovereign states. There are more people who have learned English as a second language than there are native speakers. As of 2005, it was estimated that there were over 2 billion speakers of English. English is the majority native language in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Republic of Ireland, and is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean, Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. It is a co-official language of the United Nations, the European Union and many other world and regional international organizations. It is the most widely spoken Germanic language, accounting for at least 70% of speakers of this Indo-European branch.

English has ceased to be an “English language” in the sense of belonging only to people who are ethnically English. Use of English is growing country-by-country internally and for international communication.

Most people learn English for practical rather than ideological reasons.

English language among many Indians have gone from associating it with colonialism to associating it with economic progress, and English continues to be an official language of India.

English is also widely used in media and literature, and the number of English language books published annually in India is the third largest in the world after the US and UK.

A working knowledge of English has become a requirement in a number of occupations and professions such as medicine and computing.

Mahaparinirvana Divas (6th December)


Mahaparinirvana is one of the major goals of Buddhism. It means “Nirvana after death”. The death annivarsary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, which fall on December 6, is observed as Mahaparinirvana Divas. On this day each year, millions of people throng to Dr. Ambedkar’s Samadhi in Mumbai, which is called Chaitya Bhoomi to pay respect to the chief architect of Indian Constitution.

Dr. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism, after studying the religion for years together, on October 14, 1956 in Nagpur along with 5 lakh supporters. These supporters considered Dr. Ambedkar as their Buddhist leader and guru for his contributions to the eradication of untouchability. Dr. Ambedkar’s death anniversary is therefore observed as Mahaparivirvana Divas.

Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI)


The Pune-based Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI) was established in 2005 by Milind Kamble, a civil engineer and entrepreneur. While Mr. Kamble is currently the Chairman, the organization has grown with the help of 29 state chapters & 7 International Chapters. Its membership base is rapidly expanding as more Dalit entrepreneurs become aware of its activities and what it can offer them.

The activities of its members are quite diversified ranging from manufacturing (sectors such as chemicals, agri-products, frozen foods, plastics, textiles, pest control, metals and metallurgy, marine engineering, solar energy, sugar refining), construction and services (health care, hospitality industries, education and international trade).

DICCI’s tag line explains its philosophy and its raison d’etre :
Be Job Givers – Not Job Seekers

For more details visit: