CoOp Introduction


CoOp is a software for supporting welfare Associations, Societies, Co-operative Societies, Trade Unions, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), etc. in providing a platform to its members for collaboration, information sharing, etc.

Currently the following modules are available:

  • Manager Module
  • Member Module
  • Guest Module

With the help of this software, the organization can:

  • Maintain records of the members.
  • Disseminate information by means of Articles.
  • Inform its members about the Events being conducted in future.
  • Etc.

The software can be downloaded from the following link.

Release DateFile Link

The following are the prerequisites for successful deployment of the software.

Java 17
Postgresql 15
Apache Tomcat 10

Installation Procedure

Install OpenJDK

sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk

To check and confirm, that Java has been installed successfully see its version …

java –version

To install Apache Tomcat 10

sudo apt-get install tomcat10

To check and confirm, that Tomcat 10 has been installed correctly open the link http://localhost:8080 in the browser, or else run the following command

sudo systemctl status tomcat10

To install PostgreSQL

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

To check and confirm, that PostgreSQL has been installed correctly run the following commend

sudo systemctl status postgresql

To enable PostgreSQL to start on boot, use the following command

sudo systemctl enable postgresql

By default, PostgreSQL creates a user named postgres with full administrative access to the entire PostgreSQL instance. For security purposes, it is recommended to set a password for this user. Switch to the ‘postgres’ user and access the PostgreSQL prompt:

sudo -i -u postgres


postgres=# \password postgres

Enter new password and confirm it to set.

Now create the database coop

postgres=# create database coop

To quit from PostgreSQL prompt, use the following command:

postgres=# \q

To exit from postgres shell, use the following command:


To download latest distribution of CoOp application, visit the link

Copy the downloaded application to webapps directory of Tomcat installation, by using the following command:

sudo cp ./Downloads/coop-2024-07-14.war /var/lib/tomcat10/webapps/coop.war

Now stop the tomcat10 service

sudo systemctl stop tomcat10

Edit the file for database properties

sudo nano /var/lib/tomat10/webapps/coop/WEB-INF/classes/

Modify the following lines as shown below:



Start the tomcat service again, by using the command below:

sudo systemctl start tomcat10

Using the link http://localhost:8080/coop, check and confirm that the application is installed correctly.

Use the following credentials to Sign-In for the first time.

User Id : admin

Password : admin