
The National SC-ST Hub has been set up to provide professional support to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Entrepreneurs to fulfil the obligations under the Central Government Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Smal Enterprises Order 2012, adopt applicable business practices and leverage the Stand Up India Initiative. The Hub was launched on October 18, 2016.

The Hub is being implemented by the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), a public sector undertaking under the administrative control of the Ministry of MSME.

The Hub supports existing SC/ST entrepreneurs and enterprises in technological upgradation and capacity building thereby enabling them to effectively participate in government procurement process. This would involve active participation by CPSEs/Central Ministries, States, Industy Associations such as DICCI and others. Selected entrepreneurs would be provided with support and mentoring by industry experts, CPSEs & Incubators

The main action points include:

  • To encourage SC/ST owned units to achieve their share of at least 4% of total procurement being made by Central/State Governments, CPSEs and other government agencies
  • To prepare strategy for intervention through industry associations to sensitize, encourage and enable the SC/ST owned units for participation in Public Procurement Process
  • Collection, collation and dissemination of information regarding SC/ST enterprises and entrepreneurs
  • Facilitating SC/ST Entrepreneurs to be part of vendor development programs and mentoring support by specific CPSE matching the products/services of such entrepreneurs
  • Facilitating SC/ST Entrepreneurs’ participation in Public Procurement through the e-platform of DGS&D and monitoring the progress